Learn more about Career Purpose Types, then discover yours!
As a Defender, you are always ready to stand up for what is right. Helping people is what gives you purpose. With a meticulous yet open mind, you analyse the facts to uncover the truth and get others to see eye to eye. When tensions run hot, your cool head and wise words prevail.
As a Visionary, you’re a natural problem solver. You love researching, thinking, and gathering new knowledge, scratching deep beneath the surface to better understand the world around you. You believe constant change is good and there’s always a better way.
As a Catalyst, you have a tireless will to succeed and solid people skills. An opportunist, you act quickly and decisively, taking calculated risks to reap the reward. Always prepared to pursue every opportunity, you use your disarming confidence and intelligence to stay one step ahead.
As a Guide, you’re a born supporter and coordinator of others. A team player, you love the feeling of being at the centre of a large, well-oiled team; everyone coming together to do their part, achieve a goal and chase something far greater than you could ever achieve alone.
As a Strategist you’re always searching for understanding. Focused on the future you’re always looking two steps ahead to uncover patterns, see the big picture and plan your next move. You trust in hard facts and data to back up your well-informed intuition and make the right decision.
As a Defender, you are always ready to stand up for what is right. Helping people is what gives you purpose. With a meticulous yet open mind, you analyse the facts to uncover the truth and get others to see eye to eye. When tensions run hot, your cool head and wise words prevail.
As a Visionary, you’re a natural problem solver. You love researching, thinking, and gathering new knowledge, scratching deep beneath the surface to better understand the world around you. You believe constant change is good and there’s always a better way.
As a Catalyst, you have a tireless will to succeed and strong people skills. An opportunist, you act quickly and decisively, taking calculated risks to reap the reward. Always prepared to pursue every opportunity, you use your disarming confidence and intelligence to stay one step ahead.
As a Guide, you’re a born supporter and coordinator of others. A team player, you love the feeling of being at the centre of a large, well-oiled team; everyone coming together to do their part, achieve a goal and chase something far greater than you could ever accomplish alone.
As a Strategist, you’re always searching for understanding. Focused on the future, you’re always looking two steps ahead to uncover patterns, see the big picture and plan your next move. You trust in hard facts and data to back up your well-informed intuition and make the right decision.